Experiencing is the key ... even if it’s positive or negative … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Coming back in time, in the prehistorical age ... the scientists are telling us that the first human being appeared in Africa.

So ... it’s kind of a paradox ... cause the countries from Africa are not so very well developed today.

Those human beings ... started to be nomads, following the crowds of animals that were providing them the necessary food to ... survive.

People were just consumers and were not producing anything ... yet.

They were just living their existance ... hoping that they will have all what they needed daily.

They were consumers ... but were thinking just at the daily needs ... and nothing more ... not the kind of consumers we are today.

The time passed and some of those human beings from the prehistorical age started to travel more and more.

At that time ... there was no one in Europe or North America ... where we consider today that live the most powerful nations of our times.

But being nomads ... in the end the human beings went all around the world.


And is funny cause a nation as United States, with a history of only few hundred years .... is the most powerful from the plannet.

And we could wonder .... why?!

Well ... most probably ... traveling all around ... the humans started to have all types of experiences ... positive or negative ... but in the end all those experiences ... helped them evolved to the actual state of the modern society.

I believe is quite a paradox that the most powerful nation from the world is not in Africa, where the first humans appeared ... but far away ... in North America ... a land discovered so late.

But if we analyze well ... and define the individuals that started the society from the actual America ... we see that all of them were people that wanted to travel, to have new experiences ... to start a new life and take all the necessary risks for that.

All those risk existed millions of years ago ... and existed all around history ... at all the ones that were looking for a new life.

Today probably there is nothing new to discover on this planet ... but we can still take risks and change our lives ... into a new better version.

We kept in mind, millions of years ... the idea of something new ... which could actually come like experiencing new and new things ... by taking risks.

So ... experiencing might be the key for evolving ... even if that will mean positive or negative experiences. 

The philosophy of trying and accepting the risks as part of our lives ... of starting journeys that might be pathless


paths ... or the path that is destined to ourselves ... for the best evolution as human beings.

Otherwise ... to understand the future ... our future ... we should just think at the human beings from millions of years ago and compare them with the tribes of pygmies from Africa ... and we see ... no change.

From the same tribes ... there were human beings that wanted to experience more and more ... and those beings ... by taking risks all the time ... created what we call today ... the most powerful nations of our world.

You see ... years ago i did not had the power to understand those historical paths of humanity, but to better understand myself ... helped me a lot to look back in time ... and i believe i found the key ... experiencing whatever life has to offer to myself ... good or bad things.


Download the book ”My relationship with the devil redefined my life” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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