The perfect case scenario ... versus the real case scenario. Does the concept of happy marriage ... really exists?! … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

I was reading the writings of my dear lovely friend Arij ... and i was meditating:

“There is a beauty in being empty ...

In being unfound ...

In being lost ...

Being in illusion ...

But we have silly demands ...

And fancy dreams ...

That naturally evolve ...

In Overthinking ...

Fantasizing ...

Imagining ...

Expecting ...

Worrying ...

Doubting ...”

(Arij Emaan)


While politely asking another new friend if she is happy in her marriage ... she suddenly replied: “Does the concept of happy marriage exists for real?!”

My mind was starting to meditate.


I was thinking at what I recently read at Arij and what the lady i just met few months ago ... asked me.

Arij is a young lady ... that is in love.

My new friend ... i believe that was in love long time ago ... but maybe too disappointed by the real case scenario ... from the real world.

Arij is a little bit more than 20 and the other lady ... close to 30.

I believe both of them in one point from the timeline of life were looking like 2 sisters.

But in almost 10 years everything changed.

Life revealed the difference between the perfect case scenario and the real case scenario.

The love story became ... the marriage.

I met thousands of people but only once ... about 25 years ago ... i met an old couple that ... in a magical way ... they were still in love.

After a marriage of 50 years they were in love.

I was 18 at that age ... and i was laughing of them ... not knowing that years later i will fail in my marriage ... just because i was not asking them the secret of a long happy marriage.

I could ... just ask and i am sure they would have told me what was the secret ... but i believed i was too smart to ask that.

At more than 40 ... i smile ... with love ... thinking about what Arij is writing ... laugh at the philosophical questions regarding marriage ... came from my new friend ... and only ask myself why i don’t see the message behind the fact that so many marriages are failing.

But ... being just a simple human being ... being in the statistical data of the humans ... being the same as all the others ... all is left for me to do is ... just continue asking myself philosophical questions.

... and no answer is coming to me ... at least not a good one, cause i am still too blind to see the message behind the unhappy marriages.

And life continues ... just in the statistical data!


Download the book ”Behind the abstract ... there is always a messagewritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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